
Organise or Tag all open tabs

You can:

  • Add all open tabs to one or many collections
  • Add one or many tags to all open tabs


  1. Via the "brain" icon in the top right corner. Go to Add Tags and then press the 'layer' icon, as seen in the gif below
  2. Via the Quick-Action ribbon that opens when you hover to the right top of the screen


We’re building this for you, and not simply investor gains.

We want to protect users and their data from profit maximisation incentives resulting from uncapped profit potential. Memex is built uncapped return style Venture Capital investments and caps investor and team profits to remove profit maximisation incentives that usually lead to extractive behaviour in the mid and long run.

We want to build a service that people are willing to pay for because it solves problems for them, not grow at all costs with free services to then build privacy violating business models on top.