
Obsidian and Logseq Sync

Obsidian and Logseq Sync

This tutorial will guide you through setting up the sync between Obsidian and Logseq, as well as provide an overview of the available features and troubleshooting tips.


Finally, the highly anticipated Obsidian and Logseq sync is here! This feature allows you to automatically sync saved pages and annotations to your local Obsidian and Logseq graphs. Not only that, but it also updates pages and annotations as you make changes in Memex.

Please note that this is an early version of the sync, prioritized to provide you with a minimum viable product. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we continue to improve and refine this feature.

If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, you can easily voice them via the live chat on our website or the feature request board.


  • Sync pages, annotations, and images to Obsidian and Logseq.
  • Update documents, and the changes will be reflected in your local graph.
  • Automatically sync associated Spaces as [[WikiLinks]], allowing your pages and annotations to seamlessly integrate into your graph's structure.
  • Set a custom date format to suit your preference.
  • Set custom sync tags. The default sync tag is [[Memex-Sync]]
  • Set custom file name structure.

How to Activate the Sync

To activate the sync, follow these steps:

  1. Download the sync helper for your MacOS, Windows, or Linux operating system.
  2. Move the sync helper to the application folder.
  3. Once installed, a small Memex icon will appear in your system tray. This indicates that the installation was successful. The helper does not have any other interface, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see anything popping up.
  4. If you encounter any security settings preventing the installation on Mac, go to "Privacy & Security" in the system settings and allow Memex to be installed.
  5. Open the Memex settings and navigate to "Imports and Integrations."
  6. Select the folder where you want your pages and annotations to be saved.
    1. Please note that the sync does not yet support retroactive sync. It will only sync new changes going forward.
    2. The sync helper buffers up to 2000 items if it is inactive or unreachable.

Syntax help for the file name structure

To customize the format of your filename output in Obsidian and Logseq, follow these steps:

For example, if you want the page title in Obsidian/Logseq to be displayed as "202309291421: Arlington County, Virginia - Wikipedia", you can use the following filename structure

{{{Date: "YYYYMMDDHHmm"}}}: {{{PageTitle}}}

How to set this up

  1. Open the Memex settings.
  2. Navigate to "Imports and Integrations."
  3. Locate the text field for the filename structure.
  4. Use the following placeholders to adjust the format:
  • {{{Date: "YOUR_DATE_FORMAT"}}}: This placeholder represents the date and allows you to specify the format. Replace "YOUR_DATE_FORMAT" with the desired format using the available date formatting options (e.g., "YYYYMMDDHHmm" for year, month, day, hour, and minute). Here are more details on how to write out date structures.
  • {{{PageTitle}}}: This placeholder represents the title of the page.
  • Add any additional text or separators as desired


1. Nothing happens when I click on the folder select

Did you uninstall and reinstall the extension at some point after setting up the Local Sync Helper? Then you maybe have to “Refresh the Sync Key” via the Memex tray. It’s because we’ve built in a security mechanism to prevent other apps from connecting with the local helper. Now, only the first app that connects with the Helper can continue the communication. Refreshing the Sync Key resets that process.