
Export your data locally & to any cloud provider

With the Memex Backup App you can export and continuously back up your data with any of your favourite cloud providers as long as they have a Dropbox-like folder on your file system.

How to set up your backups

  1. Go to Memex' settings > Backup
  2. Follow the steps in the wizard
  3. Download the Memex backup helper:


Why do I need to install another app to make my local backups?

Automatic backups to your local hard drive (and soon syncing via your favorite cloud provider) would be completely impossible without the app. Due to the browser's security features, extensions can't automatically save things on your hard drive. Therefore it would cause a lot of clicking (= pain) to do incremental backups on your local hard drive, even just manually. You would need to select a folder each time you want to make a backup.

What is the storage needs for the backups?

If you chose to backup your data to a local folder, the data in your Memex store gets duplicated on your system, therefore needs double the space. 25.000 documents (roughly 1 year) takes up 1.5gb including screenshots, and 500mb without them). Therefore your storage needs would be 3gb and 1gb respectively.

Technical information:

Backup & Restore data model

We’re building this for you, and not simply investor gains.

We want to protect users and their data from profit maximisation incentives resulting from uncapped profit potential. Memex is built uncapped return style Venture Capital investments and caps investor and team profits to remove profit maximisation incentives that usually lead to extractive behaviour in the mid and long run.

We want to build a service that people are willing to pay for because it solves problems for them, not grow at all costs with free services to then build privacy violating business models on top.